Friday, July 22, 2016

Safe arrivals

We have arrived and are now waiting to get money exchanged.
It takes quite a bit of effort to get 21 people and 49 bags, plus carry-ons half way across the globe. Kudos to Brandon and his gift for organizing. Most of all, glory to God for everything being smooth so far.

We were greeted at the airport by William from ARM, Dickens and Anita who are both helping with the pig project, Alex also with Arm. A big surprise was Pastor Sylver from Kacungwa in the city! We had a great greeting time with them as we loaded the bus. It is packed full!

We are driving from Entebbe to Mubende today. So not very eventful. Which is GOOD, because everyone is pretty tired.

One interesting tidbit for thought: we told a woman in Dubai that we were headed to Uganda for a mission trip. She went on a mini rant about how we are supporting a bad regime by coming here.
There are many things that have crossed my mind regarding this short conversation.
1. What country in this sinful world hasn't has some amount of corruption in it and she was ok visiting United Arab Emirates?
2. I can't go visit friends just because I don't agree with their political system?
3. Doesn't the Bible command us to preach to all nations, and if we don't agree with their politics, there would be many nations of people who would never hear of Jesus!

So whether we agree on politics or not, we can agree on 3 things.
1. God is in control and sets up or topples governments.  It's our job to trust him.
2. We are to love each other.
3. We are commanded to preach to all nations, tribes, and tongues.

So we are here! We are loved and loving.


PS. The bus has WiFi!

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