Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bethany Village

Today we woke up early and drove from Mubende to Kampala, Gaba suburb. We visited the ARM head office and had lunch with our city kids. We all got on 2 boats and went across Lake Victoria to Bethany Village. I had never been, so I was excited to see it.

It has 7 functions. They are the orphanage, clinic, school, farm, child sponsorship, community outreach and free vaccines, and retreat center to give city people a break.
We saw the inside of one of the homes, Wisdom House where Betty is the mother. She has 8-15 kids in her home at a time and they function as a family. There are chores and meals, study and school, sleep and love.
The farm is pretty impressive. They have pigs and chickens, fish, bananas, cabbages, sweet potatoes, cassava, tomatoes, beans, and corn. Most is grown to feed the kids, experiment with techniques and teach others how to grow, and the rest is sold to keep the village running.
They school is a primary school and the secondary students board at school in Gaba, but have holidays back at the village with their families.
This is one place your clothes donations were going too, so thank you so much for that blessing.

After Bethany Village, we had dinner with Alex and Faith Mutagubya. We had Indian and Chinese. It was great food and we talked about the City Church. They bought a piece of land and are looking at building a multi level church so they have parking. It is closer to the road, but smaller. The place where the tent is has given them 3 years to move, so they are hoping to build debt free if they can.
Faith is also working as the principal for The Fields kindergarten until they find someone to fill the position.

We are staying at the Victoria Hotel in Kampala and we leave early tomorrow for our safari day. I think I speak for everyone that they are happy to see new things, but wish we were still in Kacungwa with our kids.

Yours in Christ,

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