Friday, July 29, 2016


Today was kind of a down day. Brandon spent all day organizing for the Co-op meeting and holding it in the afternoon.
Most of us went into Sixteen to help set up tents and other things for the free medical mission Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  They also had a chance to buy some basic supplies for their kid's families and visit some of their homes.

I could not visit one of my kids because he lives too far away, but hopefully the other three when I am up to it.
I was not feeling so good, so I was just hanging at Pastor Sylver's house for a while. Which was good. One of my kids, John came and I finally got to talk with him where we weren't surrounded by noise and others. He's very soft spoken, quietness is humbleness here, and he's also harder to understand. So God can use diarrhea to bring a blessing.

I had a nice visit with Twatwa. Allen fed him left over bread and another lady 3 bananas. He he ate and a few people were laughing at his antics. He came and hugged me and I played him my videos from the safaris. He gave me lots of hugs and then he left. He's so smiling and loving. He has a sad story. His mother died and his whole family has basically rejected him for having downs syndrome.  Sylvia, the social worker, found him with chiggers in his hands and feet. She has been bathing him and teaching him what she can. He can't go to school because they don't have a program here for him. There is a school in Kampala, but it's expensive.

Those who weren't visiting hung out with kids and talked and played. Some of us had to have a tough talk with our kids about going to school. We tell them we love them and that if they don't go to class then the program will cut them off. We don't want to be taken advantage of and they are stealing school from someone who wants to go but can't if they are not honest with us. So go, or say I'm finished.
If a child doesn't pass a grade, then they are given the option of trade school. That would be sewing, hair dressing,  kitchen work, hospitality for a hotel... Not glamorous,  but better pay than digging dirt.

I have to go to breakfast,  but today is the first mission day, so I will try and post again tonight.

Please keep praying!!

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