Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pre-trip Gathering

This is a test post and also some pre-trip information.

I can't believe we are leaving in just a few weeks to see our friends in Uganda! Time is flying and there is so much to be done.

*Check to see what clothes I have and if I need to get more
*Purchase medicines, get shots, buy bug repellent and sunblock, get gifts for kids and friends.
*Check luggage and make sure it's in working order
* Have group meetings and get to know those you don't know yet on your team.
*Be in prayer about things that God is laying on your heart and researching topics to speak about.
*Making lists of things to pack, so when packing day arrives, you don't forget anything!
*Making arrangements for all the things I'm leaving behind.

My brain is starting to buzz. It flits from normal daily things to get done to "Oh, I can't forget this." to "I need to look up that." Most of it gets forgotten immediately. Pray that I remember it again later!

Please, if you have read this, start praying for us now! We need to be focused and covered in Christ so we can be of utmost use for His Kingdom while we are there. I want to be pressed down and shaken, grown and blessed, loved and loving others.

In Jesus Name
Danelle Chase

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