Sunday, July 24, 2016

Center Day

Saturday was center day. That is a day where all the sponsored kids get some meals and teachings and write to their sponsors. We arrived at 10:30 and the greeting was even better than 2013, when I last came! There was running and cheering and dancing and drumming. The women and children heading up the greeting and there were hugs and tears. We were ushered into the church and given the run down for the day. We gave the kids some poridge and an egg. Some have poridge ( corn flour) with milk and some without, based on their parents wishes. Brandon spent some time at the piggery while the rest of the people went to tea. We then talked to the kids in the classrooms. I was with Chris and Hunter Dublin and Mariah Hembling. We talked about obeying parents as Jesus gave us the example of obeying God. Also loving each other as an action to please Jesus. How it is easy for 1 person to pull others down and easier as a body to lift others up.

After talking, we served the kids lunch and we had ours. Then we sorted donations into the office and gave out some gifts and visited with our kids. They also had a lovely musical number by the kids with bells and strings and pipes.

The days go by too fast! We have to leave Kacungwa each day at 4 or 5 to make it back to Mubende for dinner and before dark. The light lasts from about 6-6 every day.

Thanks for praying. We are all healthy now and enjoying our time visiting with friends.
The WiFi has been having issues, so I'm hoping to catch up with the posts soon!

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