Saturday, July 30, 2016

1st Day Medical Mission

Wow! Today was amazing. Thank you, God for  the strength to make it through!!

We had tea at Pastor Sylver's home and then off to the clinic. We sorted pills into prescribed amount, took temperatures, comforted and wiped people's brows, did lab tests, organized, numbered and directed people, guarded the food for the doctors, and whatever else we needed to do.

The day went fast, but we saw about 300 people today with lots of malaria, some typhoid and surprisingly few HIV positives.

We all loved it so much! The people were so appreciative and kind. They wore their best even when feeling their worst. One lady bowed when handing off her urinalysis test strip.

I started sorting pills and ended in the lab doing blood sugar testing. Loved it!

God is so good and I can't wait until tomorrow!

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